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5.7 About the electrical properties of the human body

In the following chapter I will mostly deal with the human "electric grid" in more detail as to the function of neurons and the nervous system. This information is based on the book by Professor Richard P. McCall, "Physics of the Human Body".

In the human body there are a lot of electrical charges which respond to various internal and external stimuli. These electric signals are travelling through the body all the time. They make it possible for us  to sense heat, cold, pain, thirst, hunger, taste, sound, light and colour, and also to react to these sensations. Almost all human function in the body (e.g. motion, sensation, thinking, emotion and regulation). involves some electrical signals. The reason why the human body can conduct electricity is that the water in the body is ionized.

The function of a neuron is based on the electric field where positive charges exist on the outside of the cell membrane and negative charges on the inside. Thus, there is an electric field in the cell membrane which points from the outside to the inside.

Neurons are classified according to their function and structure:

  • Sensory neurons conduct input charges to the central nervous system (the brain and the spinal cord). Almost all of them are unipolar and their receptors are in the peripheral nervous system, such as in the skin to detect touch or temperature.
  • Sensory, bipolar neurons are rare and they are located in special senses, such as the eye, the nose and the ear.
  • Motor neurons conduct signals from the central nervous system to muscles and glands. They are multiple neurons whose cell body is in the central nervous system and their axons in the peripheral nervous system, such as in the arm to move it quickly in response to touching something hot. (McCall, Richard P. 2010)

Both in animal and plant cells there is an organ, mitochondrion which transforms energy out of nutrition into a form usable for the cells. This takes place in a way that resembles the process in hydroelectric power plants where water power is transformed into electricity. A lot of mitochondria are found in brain, muscle, heart and liver cells  Mitochondria produce "building" material for the cells and take part in their communication, differentiation  and growth. (Wartiovaara Anu, 2020 / in an article by Mari Heikkilä, laaketieteensaatio.fi)

Because of its electrical properties, the function of the human body can be compared to smart devices. Its favourable working environment is the open grid of Earth's own natural frequency pattern, which is charged by the rotation of hot metal in the core of our planet, creating Earth's magnetic field and gravity.

Earth's magnetic field is the strongest near the magnetic poles. There the Sun causes the most magnetic disturbances through its charged solar wind. Stronger magnetic fields attract weaker ones which can also have an impact on their stronger neighbours now and then, such as  the Moon's gravity according to its cycle disturbs our gravity. These phenomena also seem to affect the magnetic field of the human body which is charged by the electric structures of water and salt, and maintained by the sense of balance, to keep  the body in a favourable position in the direction of gravity 24/7.

Unlike manmade smart devices working in open grids, the human body receives electromagnetic (EM) radiation with all frequencies. Because everything has its own electric structure, the sense of balance has a lot to do, carrying out its task of rejecting strange frequencies from planets to microbes and particles (e.g. EM radiation outside the visual and auditory ranges: ultraviolet and infrared as well as ultra and infra sounds). The sense of balance launches a defensive reaction to make us conscious of the strange EM radiation and avoid it. This is likely to take place the faster and with more severe consequences, the worse the sense of balance originally functions. The capacity of the human body can be exceeded if several minor EM disturbances exist simultaneously.

 The following chapter 5.8 The sense of balance and the immunity of the human body