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Theme page 30. The DSB, the TSB and human relationships

You tend to relate to people according to their conduct or character. You have got used to regarding e.g. shyness, taciturnity, excessive talkativeness and liveliness or intrusive behavior as personal characteristics or acquired manners. However, these more or less negative features of social activity are a sign of DSB-strain which may disturb the basic human needs of belonging to a group and acting there. Of course, nasty experiences in social life (within and/or outside your family) can make you reserved and withdraw from social contacts

Social skills needed in human relationships develop through action and learning in a group. This process may be disturbed by many DSB-factors: difficulty in speaking, hearing, concentration, understanding speech, interpreting expressions, gestures and tone of voice. Problems with the sense of touch and feeling and its memory, strong outbursts of feeling as well as self-centered, self-satisfied and comfort-loving personality may make social life difficult.

The DSB can cause many negative processes of human behavior and activity which also predisposes the surrounding people to unpleasant, stressful situations. For the same reason the long term, reciprocal human relationships of a family, which are aimed to last, are at risk of being broken up. 

The following chapter Theme page 31. The DSB, the TSB and panic feelings and situations