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Theme page 15. The DSB, the TSB and stage fright

To be able to perform on stage your body has to control a number of things: the brain has to remember and master the subject matter and/or the sequence of actions as planned or through improvising. Your posture and the movements of your eyes, head, hands and legs shouldn't look restless as well as your speech and articulation should be fluent and clear.

Obviously there are "natural" talents but most performers need professional training to step in front of a big audience. They are usually somewhat excited and nervous but the amount of adrenaline doesn't spoil the performance but usually improves it. The bigger the audience and the more demanding the act is the more likely it is that excitement and nervousness may "paralyze" performers with little experience but also the one who has struggled with too much of adrenaline from time to time. This stress could be eased by treating the sense of balance.

The DSB may make it difficult for you to look in another person's eyes, to control your speech and respiratory muscles and to find something to say or to concentrate on what is said to you. Stammering can also be one of the things that makes you feel shy and unsure even when talking with people you know. Consequently, your social skills don't develop if you tend to avoid company, which means a great risk of being bullied and/or left aside in school or working life.  

It is natural that you avoid stressful situations which you find awkward or impossible to control and where you may be disposed to undeliberate comic. However, some training with performing is useful for your life and that's why some pupils may find it extremely panicking e.g. to give a talk in front of the class in school. Thus, there are quite a few good reasons to treat the DSB and to make sure that more and more people could feel free to express themselves instead of avoiding social contacts, which belong to the basic needs for a human being. The following list includes some more of the most common experiences from stage fright:

  • Words stick to your throat.
  • Your voice gets quiet, monotonous, tensed or too loud.
  • Your vocal cords get tired and/or cramp.
  • You find it difficult to control your facial and respiratory muscles.
  • You sweat and blush easily.
  • You avoid eye contact with the audience.
  • You move restlessly when standing or sitting.
  • You move your hands restlessly.
  • You keep forgetting your lines.
  • You tend to forget the subject matter.
  • You sleep badly and panic before the performance.

The following chapter Theme page 16. The DSB, the TSB and fear of high, tight or open spaces, travel sickness and fear of flight