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Theme page 17. The DSB, the TSB and the control of muscular strength

The better the sense of balance functions the better it can control muscles: the speed, direction and accuracy of their movements. They can be disturbed by the muscular tension caused by the DSB, as well as the control of muscular strength, When tensed muscles aren't able to discriminate the difference between relaxation and a state of tension well enough it's difficult to apportion muscular strength. That's why e.g. undeliberate strong movements of a hand may break pencil points or any delicate material, or a gentle touch can be stronger than it was meant to be.

 It may be difficult for a person who tend to treat others roughly to sense the force of his/her own touch and understand the potential, painful feeling of the heavy-handed action. Thus, tension in the muscles (and on the skin) affects the sense of touch and feeling, which also has a memory of its own as all the other senses do. The worse this memory works the more likely the risk is that a person's way of behavior gets aggressive with the overstimulating effect of adrenaline on the control of moods.

However, the other extreme is a person with a hypersensitive sense of touch and feeling whose memory is burdened by too many memories of experiences ( of his/her own or of other people) causing overwhelming empathy and agony. Thus muscular tension can also result in extremely sensitive sensations when e.g. a light touch is experienced as heavy as a hit. 

The following chapter Theme page 18. The DSB, the TSB and motion / physical exercise