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Theme page 33. The DSB, the TSB and mental health

"Mens sana in corpore sano." This ancient Latin saying meaning "A healthy soul in a healthy body can be modified as follows: A balanced mind in a balanced body. A healthy sense of balance in a stable body makes it possible for us e.g. to be born healthy, grow, move, develop, speak, write, read, think, learn and work without too much effort with the help of our undisturbed senses and brains. To support a child's self-confidence by giving enough credit for even minor things is important. Because of the DSB there are people who feel they would be capable of more than they accomplish. They have to use a lot of energy and time to get started and/or achieve something modest that they can't be satisfied with.

As they grow up they become aware of what they themselves or what other people (parents, teachers, employers, etc.) expect them to achieve. Both success and failure are needed to give them a realistic idea of what they are capable of.  It's obvious that repeated conflicts between the goals, desires and achievements shake their mental health. They are often accused of being lazy, irresponsible, etc. Numerous experiences of insufficiency are likely to shake their self-confidence.

 All in all, the more the body and the brain are strained by the DSB the worse they can tolerate external stress, which can easily result in depression. Daydreaming is one of the ways to avoid effort and escape failures, but it may also give the brain and the body time to rest. So after a period of depression and passiveness there may come a more active, happier phase. However, the body and the brain may not have enough energy for a very organized activity before they fail again.

Feelings of anxiety are often caused by conflicts between the actual, everyday life and the awareness of what is right and wrong. It may be hard for an unbalanced body to sustain self-control in situations where some patience and consideration are needed. The body acts too fast before the conscious control of the brain can prevent it. The disability to control and avoid short-tempered, verbally and/or physically aggressive reactions may unintentionally destroy personal relationships and cause feelings of deep regret, guilt and anxiety. Perhaps the strongest feelings of guilt arouse within family relations where the responsibility is to protect its members in any situations and not to offend them.

Intensive, oppressive feelings of fear (e.g. disease, violence, fire, burglary, accident, loss, death, etc.) may get the upper hand of a person with a hypersensitive sense of touch and feeling caused by the DSB and perhaps strained by earlier nasty experiences. To recover from any misfortune or mental and/or physical violence or the fear of them you can unburden the memory of the sense of balance with professional therapy and by treating the sense of balance.

In difficult mental disorders the body tends to stick to compulsive behavior. The desperate aim of this activity (e.g. washing your hands, lighting a fire) is to prevent or eliminate something dirty, infectious, frightening or unpleasant, e.g. a disease. If this activity is authorized by "someone else" the brain is so overstrained that it has lost the control of the body and the senses which now work at random.

The following chapter Theme page 34. What makes a sensible person act insensibly?