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Theme page 5. The DSB, the TSB and autoimmune / rheumatic diseases

Autoimmune diseases originate when tissues in the human body attack each other with antibodies. Medical scientific sources don't know the original reason for this process. Some of them are known to be hereditary, some others have hereditary predisposition and in addition, there have been cases with poisonous substances causing the illness. However, both researchers Rosedale and Ferreira have been able to find plausible reasons for autoimmune illnesses most of which have a lot of symptoms. Their observations focus on nutrients and diets and their influence on the origin and treatment of these diseases.  

To my mind, the diverse symptoms of autoimmune diseases can be fully understood only when the findings of Rosedale and Ferreira are combined with the phenomena that belong to the DSB. In fact, it was the experiences from bad positional treatment techniques that have learnt how the disorders in the metabolic processes are initiated and how salt-fluid and sugar-fat metabolisms are related to each other. The high level of insulin as the counter effect of sugar and other fibreless carbohydrates can damage almost any tissue or vital function in the body. Similarly, the high level of cortisol as the counter effect of increased adrenaline can damage any tissue by drying them as it (cortisol) removes salt from the blood into extra fluid tissue. As cortisol decreases leucocytes from the blood we can understand the great number of infections in autoimmune illnesses. Luckily, experiences from the better treatment techniques of the sense of balance have revealed the connection between hormones /metabolism and the sense of balance.

The following list includes fifteen rheumatic illnesses which are muscular-skeletal diseases most of which have infections. The sources of information are Medical terms (by Duodecim) and Reuma-aapinen (www.reumaliitto.fi ) The diseases are named after the part of body they are found or the age of the patient.

1. fibromyalgia (soft tissue rheumatism)

2. juvenile rheumatoid arthritis ( arthritis = infection in a joint)

3. MCTD, mixed connective tissue disease

4. psoriatic arthritis

5. rheumatoid arthritis

6. osteoarthritis

7. osteoporosis

8. polymyalgia (pain in muscles)

9. Reiter's disease (polyarthritis as a secondary disease after infections)

10. polymyositis (infection in muscles)

11 ankylosing spondylitis (infection in the backbone)

12. Sjogren's syndrome  (rheumatism in glands)

13. SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus

14. systemic sclerosis (hardened patches in the skin and connective tissues)

15. vasculitis (infections in the veins)

The rheumatic symptoms in the following table are classified according to the three major groups of the DSB symptoms:

1. Chronic muscular tension

  •  muscular pain and/or stiffness in different parts of the body
  • radiant pain
  • headache
  • changes in the courses of joints and articular cartilages
  • stiffness in the backbone
  • round-shouldered back
  • pain in joints, morning stiffness of joints
  • weakening muscular strength

See 4 DSB -symptoms: 4.1 Muscular tension: twisted courses of movement

2. High level of adrenaline

  • illnesses in inner organs (heart, lungs, kidneys)
  • several simultaneous illnesses
  • difficulty with sleeping, sleep with no rest, tiredness
  • irritability, sensitivity to pain
  • white fingers, baldness
  • cell changes in different parts of the body
  • anemia, weight loss
  • decrease in leucocytes or  thrombocytes
  • the atrophy of muscles
  • growth disorders
  • a repeated slight fever
  • infections in different organs of the body: eyes, ears, joints,  muscles, veins, mucous membranes, connective tissues, lymph follicles, inner organs 
  • erythema / burning in joints
  • drying symptoms in different parts of the body: eyes, auditory canal, mucous membranes in the mouth, nose, wind pipe, larynx, stomach, intestines, productive organs, skin, nails, hair, inner organs, articular cartilages, tendons
  • smart or a feeling of rubbish in the eyes,
  • ulcers on the mucous membranes in inner organs
  • stomach pain
  • bleeding
  • a dry cough,  hoarse voice,
  • the brittleness of hair, nails, bones
  • the thinning of skin
  • hardened patches in the skin
  • rash, dandruffy rash, itching
  • a sense of thirst
  • caries, gingivitis
  • difficulty in swallowing malformations in articular cartilages
  • overweight
  • swollen fingers or joints
  • rheumatic lumps
  • irritated intestines and bladder
  • disturbances in the resorption of nutrients
  • strong menstrual pain
  • endometriosis
  • neurological symptoms 

See 4 DSB -symptoms: 4.2 Increased secretion of adrenaline

3. Stress in the body and brain

  • exhaustion,
  • lack of strength
  • mental symptoms: depression, anxiety

See 4 DSB -symptoms: 4.3 Internal stressin the body and brain

The following chapter Theme page 6. The DSB, the TSB and weight control