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Theme page 36. The DSB, the TSB and professional helpers' challenges

The need for institutional care and other supportive measures of aging people could decrease if their ability to lead an independent life was improved and maintained by the TSB. This process would require active guidance and instruction by the professionals in health care. When the TSB becomes more common, neighbor help could also make it possible for more people to do the TSB. Self-treatment would relieve more professionals to focus on aged people with multiple issues who need more help with the TSB especially in the beginning. This trouble pays off if a person tied to a wheelchair is able to walk again. Thus, as part of institutional care the TSB can reduce the need for other aid.

In the problematic phases of working life it would be worthwhile to try the TSB to further working ability and health in the occupational health service.  In certain conditions it would be possible to carry out the TSB in workplaces in the same way as there are facilities for rest during the workday.  

When many gloomy series of events occupy the staff of social and health care as well as the police, the prognoses of treatment are often bad because their overall control of life has often gone off-rails. People who are proved to be criminal and dangerous are isolated. Part of them learn from their mistakes but many unlucky events go on and on. Because of the growing emotional burden of the relatives and next of kin their human care can turn into negligence. The same risk is hidden in the growing mental strain of professional helpers, so they would benefit from the TSB to ensure the energy needed in their duties.

The treatment of the sense of balance could be part of the institutional work with/of criminals where the potential results could be followed, and if possible, the patients would be motivated to do it on their own. As already mentioned, the prognoses of the treatment depend on the condition of the person: potential tissue damages caused by e.g. alcohol, drugs, medication, violence, etc.

The younger children can start the treatment of the sense of balance the better their prognoses are. The cooperation of school and social authorities and health care is needed to help children in deprived, unsociable families to prevent them from remaining down and out. In addition, the TSB of children aided by their parents at home would give them more equal opportunities to manage at school and elsewhere.

The following chapter Theme page 37. The DSB, the TSB and the obstacles of health education: tobacco, alcohol, drugs and misuse of medication