
Käyntejä kotisivuilla:607751 kpl

15 The video instructions as texts and some additional advice

1. The maneuver for the left horizontal canal

To aid you during the maneuver: use a headband with two "pillows" which resemble half-pyramids. They can be made of cellular plastic which is soft but strong enough material. The smaller pillow is about 5 cm thick and the bigger pillow is about 10 cm thick for an adult. Put the band around your head so that the smaller pillow is on the highest point of the back of your head and the bigger pillow is on the left ear.

To make the radium of the maneuver as short as possible: when your nose touches the mattress move your feet onto the floor and so that you can move your lower body very near the mattress past your right hand which has been near your left ear.

The starting position

Lie down on your back, your left side nearer the side of the mattress. Put the headband around your head. Rotate your head 90º to the right so that your right ear touches the mattress. Raise and rotate your hips to the left, bend your knees and move them onto the edge of the mattress. Take a firm grip of the sheet or blanket with your right hand near your left ear to direct the rotation of your head with a short radium. Your left arm and hand are ready to slide under your waist.

The maneuver for the left horizontal canal starts:

Rotate your body and head first up and then down to touch the mattress with your nose and go on 15º further. Move the lower body. Raise and turn your head upright, your face in the direction of the starting position. Stand up. Stop. Take off the headband. Pause exercise.

The maneuver for the right horizontal canal NOTE! Not on the video.

To aid you during the maneuver: use a headband with two "pillows" which resemble half-pyramids. They can be made of cellular plastic which is soft but strong enough material. The smaller pillow is about 5 cm thick and the bigger pillow is about 10 cm thick for an adult. Put the band around your head so that the smaller pillow is on the highest point of the back of your head and the bigger pillow is on the left ear.

To make the radium of the maneuver as short as possible: when your nose touches the mattress move your feet onto the floor and so that you can move your lower body very near the mattress past your right hand which has been near your left ear.

The starting position

Lie down on your back, your right side nearer the side of the mattress. Put the headband around your head. Rotate your head 90º to the lelft so that your left ear touches the mattress. Raise and rotate your hips to the right, bend your knees and move them onto the edge of the mattress. Take a firm grip of the sheet or blanket with your left hand near your left ear to direct the rotation of your head with a short radium. Your right arm and hand are ready to slide under your waist.

2. The maneuver for the left posterior canal:

To aid you during the maneuver: Use your elbows and hands to support you when you lie down on your back and when you raise your upper body and move your bottom near the edge of the mattress. The movement mentioned last decreases the radium of the rotation.

The starting position and the rotates

Sit down your back's length from the edge of  the mattress. Rotate you head about 30º to the left while you start lying down on your back. Keep your head in this position (30º left) to the lowest position (60º down from the level) and further 60º up from the level. Press the left side of your face gently with your left hand from the level downwards.

The maneuver for the left posterior canal starts

Simultaneously, rotate your head and lie down on your back and go on downwards, then back up about 60º from the level and straighten your head and your chin towards the breast. Stop.  Move your bottom near the edge. Straighten your back and head. Stop. Stand up. Pause exercise.

The maneuver for the right posterior canal  NOTE! Not on the video.

The starting position and the rotates

Sit down your back's length from the edge of  the mattress. Rotate you head about 30º to the right while you start lying down on your back. Keep your head in this position (30º left) to the lowest position (60º down from the level) and further 60º up from the level. Press the right side of your face gently with your right hand from the level downwards.

The maneuver for the right posterior canal starts NOTE! Not on the video.

Simultaneously rotate your head and lie down on your back and go on downwards, then back upwards about 60º from the level and straighten your head and your chin towards the breast. Stop.  Move your bottom near the edge. Straighten your back and head. Stop. Stand up. Pause exercise.

3. The maneuver for the left superior canal

To aid you during the maneuver: Direct your head with your hand. To make the radium of the rotate as short as possible a stool is used. If you can, go down past the stool and simultaneously move it a bit forward and sit down on the floor at the end. On the video there is an easier version  finished by sitting down on the stool.

The starting position

Sit down and straddle on the back edge of the stool. Move your legs backwards as far as possible. Hold your hands on the front edge of the stool to support your balance. Rotate your head little (about 15º) to the right and simultaneously bend your head little (about 15º) to the left. Keep your head in this position to the lowest position and as long as you have raised your head about 60º up from the level.

The maneuver for the left superior canal starts

Rotate your head to the right and bend it to the left. Bow your head until your chin touches your breast. Go on (bowing) until your top of the head faces the stool. Raise your head 60º up from the level. Straighten your head (and upper body) upright. (Or alternatively if you can  go down past the stool and move it a bit forward and sit down on the floor at the end.) Stop. Stand up. Pause exercise. 

The maneuver for the right superior canal  NOTE! Not on the video.

The starting position

Sit down and straddle on the back edge of the stool. Move your legs backwards as far as possible.

Hold your hands on the front edge of the stool to support your balance. Rotate your head little (about 15º) to the left and simultaneously bend your head little (about 15º) to the right. Keep your head in this position to the lowest position and as long as you have raised your head about 60º up from the level.

The maneuver for the right superior canal starts NOTE! Not on the video.

Rotate your head to the left and bend it to the right. Bow your head until your chin touches your breast. Go on (bowing) until your top of the head faces the stool. Raise your head 60º up from the level. Straighten your head (and upper body) upright. (Or alternatively if you can, go down past the stool and move it a bit forward and sit down on the floor at the end.) Stop. Stand up. Pause exercise. 

The following chapter 16 The pause exercise between the maneuvers