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Theme page 34. What makes a sensible person act insensibly?

When Mother Nature made the human brain and body she took a great risk, because anything so complicated can easily collapse. Despite all the effort of teaching the young generation what is right and wrong or good and bad some intelligent people with good upbringing, social and economic backgrounds may also end up in surprisingly insensible, risky actions. Thus, it's not only e.g. ill-breeding or unfavorable social and/or economic conditions that predispose to an ill-advised way of life. When we know how the sense of balance functions / should function, the crazy things done by a basically sensible creature like a human being can be better understood but not accepted.

There are insensible actions of different degree: some minor occasional desires or impulses don't cause too much damage. If they are repeated very often and turn addictive it's not a question of a bad habit any more. Even though a person takes impulsive, dangerous action which causes damage he/she may do it again without consideration. To get acceptance to these actions he/she may seek criminals' company and/or criminal groups or organizations may try to employ him/her. They entice new persons into earning quick money and leading an easy life, but their price has to be paid with continuous excitement and more stress.

The DSB can strain the brain, the senses and the body in so many ways that human activity and behavior may be affected by e.g. one or more of the following: tiredness, exhaustion, short attention, hastiness, quick temper, defiance, selfishness, envy, revenge, phobias, self-pity, dissatisfaction, desire for comfort, pleasure or excitement, variable moods, aggression, depression or anxiety. That's why the brain won't necessarily have any more resources to control a person's actions and behavior even if he/she knew and understood the consequences of ill-advised actions in principle.

The origins of ill-considered deeds are often in the minds of people who are not bad but feel badly. This ill-being may consist of deficiencies in mental and/or physical ability, well-being and health to the extent the DSB has caused them – directly or indirectly also through people's action. A weak self-confidence may be defensed by attacking against real or imaginary enemies or opponents. Jealousy and envy have caused traumatic experiences from teasing to serious violence when someone is trying to get influence by using fear. Revenge is a common way of compensating bad feelings when e.g. a bullied person may become a bully. The fear of losing one's face is a never ending source of self-assertion and selfishness.

The darkest human history can give many frightening examples of persons or groups of persons who have supported their unbalanced egos by creating deliberate, pompous and/or destructive policies. They have offended human rights in many ways and caused a lot of suffering. The targets of these deeds can be anyone whose e.g. opinions, character, nationality, behavior or action is considered threatening by persons in political, economic or ideological/ religious power. It's a sad fact that some communities and societies have been and are still ruled by some of these principles.

The following chapter Theme page 35. Disturbances of personality as hindrance of the TSB