
Käyntejä kotisivuilla:608827 kpl

APPENDIX IV The maximum months of deaths per day in Finland 1987 - 2005

In the following list there are single months with deaths more than 150 per day. Nearly all of them are somewhere near a sunspot maximum.

  1. December 1993 (177,5 persons per day)
  2. January 1996 (169,1)
  3. February 1999 (168,3)
  4. January 2000 (166,8)
  5. January 1990 (164,7)
  6. December 2003 (161,5)
  7. March 1993 (159,8)
  8. March 1998 (158,6)
  9. February 1992 (156,8)
  10. February 1998 (155,5)
  11. December 1989 (155,3)
  12. January 2003 (155,2)
  13. January 1989 (153,9)
  14. February 2000 (151,0)
  15. March 1999 (150,7)

Total 932 299 deaths, whose daily average is 134.3 (persons per day)  n 1987 - 2005

Between 1987 - 2005 the highest daily and monthly averages of deaths:

  • the average of all Januaries 148,0 (persons per day)
  • the average of all Decembers  144,2
  • the average of all Februaries  143,6
  • the average of all Marches 140,1

The following

APPENDIX V About the significance of the Moon and the Sun on Earth's atmosphere