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Theme page 2. Insulin and its dangers

(An article by Dc Rosedale)


  • is the mother of all hormones; participates all endocrine secretion
  • controls growth hormone produced by the hypophysis where growth hormone is transferred to the liver which produces at least four types of growth hormones (lgf 1-4) which help insulin activate cell formation: growth hormone doesn't function without insulin but insulin manages without growth hormone
  • changes T4 thyroid hormone into T3 in the liver
  • influences the production of cholesterol
  • produces globulin which transports estrogen, progesteron and testosterone. The body produces these sex hormones from cholesterol.
  • increases the production of hormones in the adrenal gland
  • is an anabolic hormone: grows muscles and stores protein
  • influences the storing of magnesium which again takes part in the production of insulin
  • activates cell increase and division 
  • stores extra nutrients in fat tissues, prevents fat from burning and effects on the amount of lipid in the blood
  • increases  coagulation of blood, causes constriction in the veins
  • constricts arteries because it decreases nitric oxide which in turn. is needed to dilate veins
  • determines lifespan (research on people over 100 years of age have a relatively low blood sugar, level of insulin as well as low levels of triglycerides (lipids)
  • stores a little of extra sugar in the liver and muscles, but most of it in the tissues as saturated fatty acid most of which is palmitine acid; the rest of the sugar is burnt by the vital organs
  • decreases blood sugar "with a heavy hand", which increases the secretion of adrenalin to stimulate the brain to acquire more sugar, causing an intense hunger for sweet snacks.

A sweet snack increases blood sugar quickly, which increases insulin which again, increases adrenalin, etc. Cortisol enters this vicious circle to defend the body against this stress by decreasing white blood cells (leucocytes), which affects the defensive mechanisms of the body.

Nourishment with a lot of fibreless carbohydrates (sugar, white grain) adds to blood sugar and consequently, the level of insulin. Growth hormone and glucagon also increase blood sugar.

Insulin resistance

A repeated increase in blood sugar make the level of insulin rise too high, which is the cause for insulin resistance. It makes cells protect themselves against the poisonous effects of excessive insulin; that's why more and more insulin is stored in blood. The liver is the best at protecting itself against insulin, then come the muscles and fat tissues are the next. Blood veins can protect themselves the worst, so their walls are predisposed to thickening because insulin can make cells divide without growth hormone. That's why either benign or malignant tumors may appear anywhere in the body.

Insulin resistance prevents calcium from being absorbed into bones and that's why the extra calcium remains in the blood, causing calcification in the blood veins. It also prevents   magnesium from storing, which makes blood veins constrict and blood pressure rise; magnesium is needed in every reaction within cells when energy is produced.

Insulin resistance is likely to cause many diseases linked with aging; e.g. cardio-vascular illnesses, osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune diseases such as e.g. rheumatisms of different type, where the body's own defensive (immune) system attacks its own tissues. See Theme page 3 Salt-fluid metabolism.

The following chapter Theme page 3. Salt and water