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Theme page 21. The DSB, the TSB and hearing, speaking and learning

The muscular tension and increase in adrenaline caused by the DSB can disturb auditory perception which functions on the alert and that's why it becomes like a badly tuned radio station with too much background noise. This kind of oversensitive, inaccurate hearing isn't able to distinguish between meaningful and meaningless sounds. It may also get sensitive to sounds within the body, e.g. heartbeat and blood circulation. The brain is strained by a flood of unclear information distracting the memory of hearing and working memory, which makes it difficult to focus on whatever you are doing. In addition, the auditory nerve is at risk of being overloaded, which may result in tinnitus without predisposition to any extra loud noise.

The development/learning of speech both in native and foreign languages requires undisturbed auditory perception so that the listener/learner is able to hear clearly, understand and remember what is said to him/her. The flexible cooperation of speech and respiratory muscles with the brain is also important for speech and communication.  In addition, speech is a tool of thinking and acquiring vocabulary and concepts by which we are able to form a picture of the world around us.

Thus, there are quite a few aspects that make the treatment of the sense of balance important for the undisturbed development of speech, which gives a good basis and tools for learning later on.

The following chapter Theme page 22. The DSB, the TSB and seeing, reading, writing and learning