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16 The pause exercise between the maneuvers

Because the DSB causes chronic muscular tension, it twists the movements of the muscles and the posture of the body. That's why the basic purpose of positional treatment is to correct them, first by relaxing the muscles. At the same time they and the joints attached to them need exercise to get used to the new courses of movement. To start this progress, the following instructions include some useful exercise for the pauses (2 – 3 minutes each) between the maneuvers.

WARNING: If you feel dizzy after the maneuver, keep sitting until you feel steady. In any case, have some support (the back of a chair e.g.) near you. Keep breathing deep and peacefully during the pause exercise. For this, use your abdominal muscles effectively, because your body needs more oxygen during the positional treatment. This is due to the fact that a lot of waste products are excreted when muscles relax. Simultaneously, metabolism and peripheral blood circulation become more effective. The following exercises last about 25 seconds each:

1. Standing exercise: Stand up, your feet straight ahead and a little apart. Make sure your body doesn't tilt in any direction (to the sides or forwards or backwards).

2. Exercise on your back with the joints of your feet/legs and arms/hands and hips: each movement (a - e) takes about 5 seconds. Try to do them relaxed.

a) Sit down and straighten your ankles.

b) Lie down on your back, up with your arms and legs. Have your knees bent and your ankles straight.

c) Straighten your knees and bend your ankles. Rotate your feet, legs and thighs lowering them in a stretching straddle in the air. Simultaneously rotate your hands and arms on the bed.

d) Go on rotating your hands and arms, but now with bent elbows, while your legs and feet are still  in the stretching position.

e) Your arms and hands are at rest on the bed, but your thighs, legs and feet make as big circles as they can.

3.  The weight of the body on one foot and exercise with shoulder joints:  Stan up. Move the foot of the side that is being treated a bit forward into a relaxed position with no weight on it. Shift the whole weight of your body onto the other foot. Bend your elbow and raise your arm of the same side. Rotate your bent arm with a circle as big as possible to make the shoulder joint move as much as possible. Change the direction of the rotation of your arm and hand.

4. = 3.  The weight of the body on one foot and exercise with shoulder joints: Do the same exercise as in number three but on the opposite side.

5. A walking exercise in place: Stand upright, both feet little apart, pointing straight forwards. Walk in place: raise your heals in turns and bend your knees as if you walked, but don't raise your balls of the feet off the floor.

6. Stomach/Back exercise: Stand up, with your feet a little apart. The weight of your body is evenly on both the feet pointing forwards. Round and straighten your lower back/stomach in turns. Intensify the movement with your abdominal muscles and breathing

The relaxation after the last pause exercise: lie down on your back for half a minute to one minute and stand up straight, again with your feet a little apart. Now you may experience a pretty strong sensation of relaxation with warming effect in some muscles. At the same time you may sense a spiral-like, falling movement inside your body and you also feel the weight of your body against the floor/ground very clearly. The sensation of the spiral movement isn't vertigo, but it is related to the movements of the calcium stones falling down to their resting place. Originally, the spiral is caused by the circular movement of the Earth around its axis. That's why all movement up and down in nature and also in the human body is spiral.

The following chapter 17 The maneuvers of PT for a baby and a small child