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4.1.3 Other muscles, the coordination of the body and  muscular strength

Delayed motor development; the courses of movement of feet turn inwards or outwards; twisted courses of movement strain joints; hasty, hyperactive, clumsy or slow moving; prone to accidents; risk of repetitive strain injury; difficulty in remembering routines, recognizing directions, using a tool, controlling a vehicle or in simultaneous actions.

Stiff movements causing trembling with pain in the stomach or headache; muscles get sore easily or recover slowly from strain; difficulty in crossing the median line of the body; unilateral movements of the body; difficulty in using eyes and hands simultaneously, e.g. shaky handwriting.

Difficulty in using eyes and feet simultaneously; tics; unilateral bite; gnashing one's teeth in sleep; unilateral muscles in the face; compulsive movements.

Vertigo; problems with controlling the muscles of the bladder: a child needs a nappy long or with intestinal muscles: constipation.

Tensed muscles in the neck or shoulders: headache, migraine, problems with blood circulation in the brain; different muscular pains and cramps: lumbago.

Sciatica and other pains in the nerves; tremor; social phobia; restless legs; numbness; pains in the joints; degenerative arthritis; rheumatic pain.

Problems with muscles in the larynx, mouth and breathing organs: difficulty in yawning, swallowing granular food or tablets, or in baby's sucking; cramps in the larynx caused by bad cough; food goes down the wrong way repeatedly.

Tensed muscles and pain in the reproductive organs: strong menstrual and labour pain: vulvodynia; vestibulitis.

Problems with static balance: difficulty in sitting or standing still; restless sleeping position; difficulty in falling asleep.

Difficulty in controlling muscular strength: rash movements; unintentional, harsh measures: loss of control of mood and feeling with aggressive behavior when in a state of excitement.

The following chapter 4.2 Increased secretion of adrenaline

See e.g. Theme page 26. The DSB, TSB and dyslexia, dysphasia, AD/HD, autism, Asperger, Tourette