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Theme page 29. The DSB, the TSB and the control of outbursts of feeling

A serious untreated DSB with repeated high level adrenaline tenses not only muscles but also disturbs nerves causing e.g. quick and bad tempered outbursts of feelings. They may be aroused by even tiny annoying stimuli. Childhood and teenage may change into a continuous battle with changing moods and defiance, sometimes both at home and at school. The years of rapid growth and changes in hormone secretion may be especially difficult because the sense of balance reacts to both of these physiological changes. Despite love, good care and surveillance parents may have overwhelming challenges with bringing up their children with a bad control of moods.

Problems with concentration and motivation at school, tiredness, loss of interest in hobbies and lack of exercise may result in a passive way of life with search of pleasure. There are teenagers who try to solve the situation by truancy from school and spending more and more time outside home or even by escaping from home, searching the company of youngsters with similar experiences. In situations like these rapid interference by adults (professionals) is necessary. 

If a family consists of one or more adults with the same type of behavior as their defiant child(ren)  the situation is difficult to control. There is a risk that the experiences of uncontrolled feelings weaken a young person's self-esteem because of repeated negative feedback. In adulthood this mental strain may also cause personality disorders. Mental health is taxed by conflicting feelings of how you would like to act and how you actually do act when you grow up yourself or bring up your children.

The following chapter Theme page 30. The DSB, the TSB and human relationships