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5.2 The magnetic field of Earth and its variation

Earth's magnetic field is generated in the core (about 3000 km deep down) of Earth where molten iron mass rotates continuously from  west to east, generating strong electric currents. In Finland the speed of this rotation movement is about 840 km per hour. The magnetic fields are the strongest in the areas around the polar regions of Earth. In addition, because the solar wind hits the polar areas, bringing charged particles from the Sun there is a continuous oval of auroras around the magnetic poles. Thus, people near these polar areas may be exposed to stronger magnetic disturbances than elsewhere on Earth. To protect their bodies their senses of balance could be treated to be in good condition.

There are statistics that show greater difference between boys' and girls' school achievement in the northernmost areas of Scandinavia and Russia than in more southerly areas. This is so-called Jokkmokk-phenomenon, which means that boys' school achievement is significantly worse than that of girls'. Generally boys also outnumber girls in having different (combinations of) problems with visual, auditory and/or kinesthetic perception that may make  studying and learning difficult. It is obvious that boys' senses of balance are more easily disturbed  than those of girls' by disturbances in Earth's magnetic field. The most obvious explanation is that more boys than girls originally have more dysfunction in their senses of balance.

In the human body there is the same electric current as elsewhere on the planet. It is maintained by the electric structures of salt and water.

See Theme page 3. Salt and water

When this current is constant the body's own magnetic field is whole and it protects the body from the disturbances from outer magnetic fields. Thus, the human being is part of the vast electro-magnetic system  of our planet and the whole solar system where a disturbance in one magnetic field somehow influences others, no matter how small they are. Why and how the human body can react to these phenomena can be explained and understood by the direct and/or indirect influences of the sense of balance. This connection started to become clear when the positional treatment of the sense of balance decreased or abolished sleeplessness around the dark and/or full moon.

The gravity of the Moon influences Earth's magnetic field, which is best seen in the low and high tides of the sea level between about two weeks. The strongest effect is caused by the full and the dark Moon from September to February. Changes in the magnetic field are also detected by the sense of balance, where sensitive hair cells in a jelly-like bed launch small calcium stones into the salty fluid in the semicircular canals. The worse the sense of balance originally functions the more/worse symptoms the Moon's (and other planets') gravity causes.

See APPENDIX V About the significance of the Moon and the Sun on Earth's atmosphere

APPENDIX VI The monthly averages of the highest tides in Hammerfest in 1987 - 2005

Some people sleep badly around the full and/or dark Moon although they normally sleep well. For people with bad sleep disorders these nights may be extremely difficult, especially a couple of nights preceding the height of dark and/or full Moon.  Others may find their mental or physical health issues more stressful and/or painful. Even a minor, temporary dysfunction in the sense of balance may impair people's resistance to different infectious diseases. Professionals working for  first aid know that the time of the full Moon is often busier than other days. By the way, the old English word "lunatic" for the more modern concept of "mental illness" is derived from the Latin word "luna", which means the moon.

See 4 DSB symptoms

Since there are measurable cycles and regularity in the electro-magnetic variation and disturbances in the atmosphere they can be compared to the vital statistics. Thus, it is possible to learn that human activity, health and wellbeing seem to be affected through the sense of balance by them. They are the most harmful when several factors affect at the same time. 

See APPENDIX II The Vital Statistics of Finnish population: The number of deaths per day, month, year, age group  in years 1987 – 2005.

APPENDIX III The monthly average of the highest tides in years 1987 – 2005 (in Hammerfest)

APPENDIX VII The monthly  variation of the disturbances in Earth's magnetic field

Because of good nourishment, hygiene and healthcare people live longer than before in many counties. On the other hand, aging may bring about more years of frailty which may deteriorate mental and/or physical condition and the quality of life of too many people too early if severe disturbances in the magnetic field invalid them. That's why it is important to treat even a minor dysfunction of the sense of balance in time because it is possible to maintain good condition longer and prevent frail years of life when the "battery" or the energy in the body is consumed more evenly without sudden impulses of strain which are caused by severe solar winds disturbing Earth's magnetic field.

As for the number of the deaths of younger age groups (under 60), the vital statistics show relation to the disturbance of the magnetic field caused by the solar wind. It has a clear variation according to the seasons of the year. The most active periods are around the vernal equinox in March and the autumnal equinox in September. The death rate of people under 60 increase after March  reaching its top in July. The turn of the year (December – January) represents the average level of these statistics whereas people over 60 have the highest death rate in December and January. This shows that younger people with weak health react to even smaller magnetic disturbances by the solar wind, after they have been strained by the Moon during the late autumn and winter. 

Younger people with weak mental and/or physical health are likely to have a serious dysfunction in the sense of balance and that's why they have a risk of early aging and illnesses without the repeated  treatment of the sense of balance.   See Theme page 2. Insulin and its dangers.

Cabin crews in airplanes are predisposed to harmful space radiation a hundred times more than e.g. X-ray assistants. To protect their health the treatment of the sense of balance would be important.

Whatever (even minor) issues or symptoms there are in the body the treatment of the sense of balance is more important during the months when the influence of the near planets and the Sun on Earth's magnetic field is the strongest: that is the autumn and winter months and around the vernal equinox. Thus it is also possible to prevent the harm caused by sudden impulses of strain during the solar storms, which are more likely to take place during the sunspot maximum. However, single, strong solar mass ejections and solar storms can appear any time.

The following chapter 5.3 Electric appliances