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4.5 About the variation of the symptoms

When wondering why physical and/or mental issues and/or diseases (e.g. a seasonal flu and seasonal affective disorder in winter or spring) tend to appear or get worse/more painful in certain time within the year, the variation of natural light and weather conditions have usually been regarded as the most obvious cause for them. Inevitably, they have an effect of their own. On high latitudes all living creatures, including the human being have been under the burden of cold weather, darkness and strong/disturbed magnetic field. It's intensified by the vicinity of Earth's magnetic pole and the solar wind which regularly transports electrically charged particles from the Sun. In addition, the effect of the gravity of the Moon on Earth's magnetic field increases towards autumn, being the strongest from October to February. Around the vernal (in March) and autumnal (in September) equinoxes there are more magnetic storms caused by the solar wind than on average. See 5.2 The magnetic field of Earth and its variation

APPENDIX II The vital statistics of the Finnish population 1987 - 2005. Deaths per day, month and age group. (All age groups, over 80 and 60 - 79)

APPENDIX III The vital statistics of the Finnish population 1987 - 2005. ( age groups under 60, 0 - 19, 20 - 39, and 40 - 59)

APPENDIX VI The monthly averages of the highest tides in Hammerfest 1987 - 2005

Appendix VII The monthly variation of the disturbances in Earth's magnetic field

Nature has had its means of helping the human being to survive near the cold polar regions. Long ago it meant the crucial fact that nature selected the weakest individuals in order to ensure enough nutrition for the stronger ones to reproduce. Now that most people have enough food this wouldn't be necessary, but the cycle of nature goes on. While the magnetic disturbance increases towards the end of the autumn, the sense of balance responds to it. It tenses muscles, increases adrenaline which increases the blood sugar that insulin transforms into fat and stores it in the body. Insulin decreases the blood sugar with a heavy hand and adrenaline comes and makes the body get more sugar, and so on. This stimulation of vital functions and metabolism has been necessary to acquire additional nutrition and fat tissue to survive from the cold period with little nutrition. In addition, adrenaline slows down digestion.

After a harsh winter people had to struggle through early spring with little food that was mainly obtained by fishing and hunting especially if crops had been poor because of e.g. frost the previous summer. Weakened by the winter the weakest people couldn't  survive the magnetic trial around the vernal equinox caused by the solar wind. That's why even slight infectious diseases could be lethal. Even today the strain of the autumn-winter season exists and it means that the immunity of especially people with the DSB gets weaker and e.g. different infectious diseases increase. These people have a risk that their immunity doesn’t get better by having e.g. recurrent flus but latent infections and autoimmune diseases can be caused by the DSB and increased adrenaline and cortisol. The vital statistics don't show only the termination points of human life span on average within different months but also the variation of physical and mental well-being, function or other symptoms with living people of different age during the year.

One example of the influence of magnetic disturbance in the northerly regions on people's senses of balance and function is so called Jokkmokk phenomenon. It's about boys' poorer school achievement in northern Finland and the whole area around the Barents' Sea. It has been regarded as the effect of some cultural and environmental factors, which certainly exist, too. See 5.2 The magnetic field of Earth and its variation.

Increase in symptoms between two or four weeks: e.g. headache, disturbed sleep or insomnia, depression or anxiety according to the changes in the gravity of the Moon, disturbing the gravity field of Earth and the sense of balance.

There may be regular changes in the number and/or intensity of symptoms (e,g, those above) in late autumn and winter, when Earth's gravity field is the most disturbed by the Moon and the Sun. 

Symptoms in the morning: e.g. vertigo, nausea, lack of appetite, irritation, tiredness/difficulty with waking up in spite of a long sleep: the control of the sense of balance fails when the body stands up after a long horizontal position or the sleeping position itself has been strenuous for the sense of balance. These symptoms can be intensified by other strains such as pregnancy, rapid growth or aging.

The combinations of several disturbing factors can overstrain the capacity of the sense of balance, which is affected by the DSB. In addition, changes in climatic pressure, high/low pressure, the vicinity of a powerful machine causing vibration/trembling or radiation (also infrared) may arouse unpleasant sensations and in the long run cause more serious health issues to people with the DSB.

In health checks when e.g. blood pressure, sugar or fat is examined the conditions mentioned above may effect on the results and change them within a relatively short period of time even if e.g. nutrition has remained the same. 

If you are interested to compare the measurements of Nurmijärvi and Sodankylä Geomagnetic Observatories, take into consideration that in Sodankylä (in northern Finland) the disturbance has to be double the effect than in Nurmijärvi (in southern Finland) to give the same value because in northern Finland there is more disturbance on average.

Measuring instruments can be calibrated but not a human body which reacts to the magnetic disturbance through its sense of balance according to how well or badly it functions.

The following chapter 5 Factors affecting the sense of balance