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Theme page 14. The DSB, the TSB and driving skill and traffic safety

To be able to control a vehicle the driver has to be able to react quickly with the muscles guided by keen sight. In heavy traffic and bad (weather/road) circumstances the good cooperation of the senses becomes even more important. The bad influence of  the DSB is obvious at least in the following cases.

  • To study and learn the theory for driving skills is difficult.
  • Passing the theoretical test is difficult because of misunderstanding the written questions, excitement or slow recalling of the subject matter of the course.
  • Difficulty with simultaneous actions when controlling the vehicle during the driving practice: hard to follow the route, other traffic and traffic signs simultaneously with using  control levers  in the vehicle, which may be clumsy and slow or hasty.
  • To perceive directions, space and distances is difficult.
  • Difficult to see through the fringes of the visual field.
  • Difficulty with the cooperation of the eyes and hands or the eyes and feet and with recalling the instructions.
  • The body gets tensed and the eyes get easily tired when driving, especially in heavy traffic and/or bad circumstances with bad lighting and weather.
  • The worsened driving skills of an aged driver.
  • A risky way of driving: e.g. over speeding, dangerous over takings, drunken driving and other offences.

Traffic is "a scene" where people with a healthy or treated sense of balance can act and survive better in any circumstances with quick, accurate and appropriate reactions.

The following chapter Theme page 15. The DSB, the TSB and stage fright