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20 The development of treating methods of the sense of balance since 2005

This chapter is a summary of how and why the treatment of the sense of balance has developed into what is presented on these pages. This is continuation to the "background" chapter.

The development of positional treatment (PT) can be compared to a job of a detective. The task has been to treat a tiny organ with maneuvers where the whole body is involved. To refine the different bends and rotates in them has only advanced with a few degrees at a time. Similarly, to test the rhythm (duration) of the maneuvers has developed with an accuracy of a second or even of half a second. So, this process has been a slow to-and-fro movement because the changes in the bends and rotates have also had to be tested with different rhythms. I have had to test one change at a time to be sure of its influence before the following step.

All this experimental work has been necessary to make the maneuvers as precise as possible. No one -dimensional picture nor even a three -dimensional model of the inner ear in natural size can reveal the exact features of positional treatment. Of course, they have helped the process by giving the overall directions. Furthermore, it's important for you to know how the sense of balance can influence the body so that you can recognize good treatment from bad. In addition, I emphasize the fact that some personal variation in the bends, rotates and the rhythm of the maneuvers may also be needed. 

Because of my curious mind in the early 2004 I went to see Doc Tapani Rahko, which started a multiphase, very instructive and a lucky series of experiences in the end. First, I wanted to find out how PT can influence a relatively healthy person like me with few minor symptoms that according to Doc Rahko could be connected to the sense of balance. They were fear of high places and reading in a car was difficult for me. In addition to these I could notice that PT abolished some minor problems (temporary bad sleep) and improved my overall wellbeing.

PT first had a positive effect on my body in many ways. After a little more than a year's of PT (for the left horizontal and superior canals only) I first got an infection in the auditory canal with high fever.  It was followed by problems with salt metabolism: hypokalemia and hypocalcemia, i.e. there was too little potassium and calcium in my blood, which first required treatment in hospital. For the next five months this was followed by "mysterious" weaker symptoms that resembled somehow the earlier stronger ones. Even after dozens of blood tests with normal results no one could say what the reason for the symptoms was.

Then a specialist took one more blood test which revealed that the level of cortisol was way too high, but again, he couldn't say what the real reason for the prolonged symptoms was. Meanwhile, I tried acupuncture, which helped the symptoms a bit. In the end I found out that there were other people who had had bad experiences from positional treatment. This made me doubt whether there was something wrong with the PT technique, which might have caused my symptoms, too.

First I extended PT to the right horizontal and superior canals, which made me feel better. Then after a few weeks I started to treat both the posterior canals. This was the happy turning point which revealed the potentials of the treatment of the sense of balance. After about two months' of PT with all the canals cortisol had decreased onto quite a normal level and the "mysterious" symptoms had disappeared.

It was the late 2005 when these early conflicting experiences from PT made me interested in developing the technique in such a way that the positive effects could be sustained in the long run. Through painful, unpleasant symptoms the first condition had already become clear: treat all the semi circulars so that the maneuvers of  PT don't disturb the untreated canals.

In 2006 the bad experiences from PT together with researches on salt-fluid metabolism by Peter Ferreira and on sugar-fat metabolism by Ron Rosedale revealed the importance of the sense of balance (and its treatment) to the whole endocrine secretion (hormones), metabolism and function of the body. Now it was possible to understand better how the whole of the human body functions. By and by I collected pieces for an even bigger zig-saw puzzle from vital and tidal statistics and from a book "Space weather. It's blowing from the sun" by a Finnish professor Heikki Nevanlinna (2206).

In 2007 I was busy finding out some concrete information on the fact that the sense of balance reacts to the changes in Earth's magnetic field. There is tradition about the potential effect of the Moon on many branches of life: forestry, agriculture, gardening as well as on health (and sicknesses) and wellbeing of the human being. And today people working for first aid know that the time of the full Moon is often busier than usual. I started to give guidance to positional treatment as voluntary aid, which lasted for three years.

I was curious to find out what kind of information the vital statistics would give. According to the data 932,299 Finns died during the 19 years between 1987 and 2005. These statistics showed all deaths per day, month and year as well as per age group between 20 years (0-19; 20-39; 40-59; 60-79; 80+) during the period. There were so clear regularities in the vital statistics that I got interested in comparing them with the tidal statistics of Hammerfest from the same period: 1987 – 2005, which show the effect of the Moon's gravity on the sea level and Earth's magnetic field.

As for the whole Finnish population, the number of deaths per day and month varied according to the height of the tide so clearly that the columns of these two statistics are almost identical. This relation is the clearest with the older population over 60, which included 770,000 people.

Instead, among younger population under 60 (about 120, 000 persons) surprisingly, the most deaths occur in June and July. It's evident that in the youngest age groups there are the weakest and most sickly people as well as people who are the most prone to fatal accidents. Obviously they are affected by the DSB more than the oldest age groups where people must originally have been fitter and healthier with very little DSB.  Because of a healthier sense of balance they can resist the magnetic disturbances better and survive longer. 

According to prof. Nevanlinna's book there is statistical regularity in the strength and number of the solar winds: they are yearly the strongest and more common around the vernal equinox in March and around the autumnal equinox in September. The two simultaneous disturbing factors are likely explain the fate of the younger age groups: the DSB gets worse during the late autumn and winter because of the Moon and the stronger solar winds in late September and in November. Before these people can recover from the strain of the autumn and winter, the solar winds again in March affect their body and make the symptoms worse. Because the human body takes some time to react, deaths start increasing in March or April, being the most common in July in all younger age groups under 60. An interesting detail is the fact that so far for an unknown reason there are statistically more magnetic storms in July. 

There are also other factors connected with the activity of the Sun that obviously explain some of the statistical variation. The solar winds originated by solar flares and more powerful mass ejections from the Sun have increased during the 20th century being statistically the strongest in the last two decades during the whole history of measurement. Thus, in spite of better healthcare and hygiene children who were born in the late 20th century and after the turn of the millennium may be worse-off as for their senses of balance and health.

The magnetic disturbances from the Sun are statistically more common and stronger around the sun spot maximums between 11 years on average. The solar maximums have been around the turns of the decades in the 20th century and in the early 21st century.  This phenomenon can be seen in the maximum numbers of deaths of the whole population per day and month. They tend to occur near the turns of the years and decades.  However, it's possible that a single strong magnetic storm can occur anytime, even during the sunspot minimums.  

Although the data of the vital statistics deals with only deaths their regular variation also reflects the variation in the function, wellbeing and health of the human being.

In 2008 and 2009 I got to learn more about the delicate mechanism of the sense of balance. It became clear that the order of the maneuvers was as important as the maneuvers themselves. It meant that the two canals in the same direction had to be treated one after the other. For the same reason the right-left order has to be changed in each maneuver every time.

Thus the order on PT became more symmetric, which can reduce the disturbing effect of the maneuvers themselves on the opposite canals. The order of the maneuvers was fixed as follows: first the superior canals, then the posterior ones and last the horizontal ones with a less rough maneuver. The order of treatment in the initial stages remained the same: first the horizontal canals, then the posterior ones and last the superior ones. The rhythm of the maneuvers was refined.

Along with PT experiences the importance of treating the joints was also realized. Now the muscles could be treated with PT, which corrected their twisted movements but the twisted joints remained untreated. This caused a conflict in the courses of movements where both the muscles and the joints should be able to cooperate. The result from this was that the sense of balance tried to make muscles correct the twisted joints by tensing the muscles. Because of this, the original symptoms often returned and some nasty new ones could appear, too. Luckily, there is a way to solve this problem by using the muscle and joint balancing therapy.

In 2010 - 2011 experiments with the rhythm of the maneuvers went on. Gradually the stops got shorter and they were abolished and all the maneuvers got continuous and faster. Positions in the maneuvers were refined further. There were no changes in the order of the maneuvers. Pause exercise was launched.

In 2012 – 2013 pause exercise program was further developed. Only a little but important refinement in the maneuvers took place. The importance of spectacles in the treatment of the sense of balance was realized. The assumption of the structural differences in the sense of balance as the cause for a serious DSB: personal versions of PT are likely to be needed.

In 2014 - 2015 Some changes took place in the maneuvers of the posterior and superior canals. The instruction video in YouTube was launched.

In 2016 – 2018 Small changes which aim at shortening the radii of the bends and rotates in the maneuvers. Two aids: a head band with "pillows" and a stool are used for this purpose. The instruction video was updated twice (in 2017 and 2018)

In 2019 A little refinement in all the maneuvers and a change in the mutual order of the treatments for posterior and superior canals.

Theme pages 1 – 38

I find it necessary to deal with the dysfunction of the sense of balance (the DSB) and its treatment (including positional treatment and other measures) in several separate chapters because of their great number of direct and indirect effects on the function of the whole human body. There will be some overlap on the theme pages because the vital functions of the body are linked in many ways.

The following chapter Theme pages 1 - 38