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5.1 Diet: natural nourishment for the benefit of the body

You may ask why different people's digestions consume nourishment in different ways. With the same amount and quality of food some of us keep in normal size, whereas others are skinny and some may get overweight easily. Similarly, there are differences in the time how fast people get hungry. For some of us it may be nerve cracking, repeated hunger for salt and/or sugar. On the other hand, there are people whose body reacts to hunger once a day or even more rarely.

Furthermore, there are people who are equally well-fit and well-being even if their diets are different and they take different amounts of exercise. Why may people with a healthy diet get ill or grow old prematurely? On the other hand, why may some people with an unhealthy diet and way of life live a relatively long life? The first plausible answer has often been heredity. Yes, it influences in a numerous ways.  But you can also consider other factors than those directly dealing with heredity or diet and way of life which can influence our vital functions.

Both good and bad experiences from the treatment of the sense of balance have given more plausible answers to these questions. The worse the sense of balance functions the more muscular tension and adrenaline there is in the body. It repeatedly increases blood sugar which in turn is decreased by insulin which mainly transforms it into fat. This process often creates strong hunger for sugar. On the other hand, the body may not tolerate sugar for the same reason.

The dysfunction and treatment of the sense of balance have revealed a factor that seems to be a link between sugar-fat and salt-fluid metabolisms. It's cortisol, a hormone whose task is to control the stress caused by adrenaline along with chronic muscular tension. It (cortisol) decreases the burden of the heart by removing salt from the blood to be stored in a fluid tissue or crystallizes it because the kidneys cannot excrete so much extra salt it. This process may cause strong thirst and hunger for salt.

What is the role of the sense of balance in the way the body consumes nutrition? How and why can natural nourishment be better for the sense of balance, too? In the next two chapters I will deal with two researches both of which emphasize the importance of natural nourishment for the human body. One of them is on carbohydrates and fat by doc Ron Rosedale, and the other on salt and water by biophysicist, academician Peter Ferreira.

The following chapter 5.1.1 Carbohydrates and fat