5.3 Electric appliancesThe effect of electromagnetic radiation from electric appliances on the human being can be understood in the same way as the influence of disturbances in Earth's magnetic field described above. Thus, it can be concluded that a sense of balance with dysfunction predisposes the body more to the negative effects of radiation from electric appliances. They can even cause an electric allergy with many kinds of problems e.g. with fluid and salt metabolism when tissues suffer from getting dry. There is every reason to be concerned about the plans to build wireless nets and even wireless electricity. They predispose the human body to electric radiation with the worse consequences
Because electric technology keeps growing at least for the time being it is important to maintain the good condition of the sense of balance with efficient treatment in Finland and other populated areas, which lie near the Aurora Oval and the magnetic pole of Earth. The following chapter 5.4 Sound and vibration stimuli |