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Theme page 28. The DSB, the TSB and the memory of the sense of touch and feeling

Life treats people in different ways. Joy and sorrow take turns. Some have to and are able to cope with mental burdens repeatedly even though it takes time to recover until the worst outbursts of feelings and sorrow start to calm down. Others may even be permanently invalided by heavy experiences of similar type. The better-balanced the body is physically the better-balanced it is also to endure mental strain and recover from it. By treating the sense of balance both the body and the mind are better equipped to stand misfortunes.

Every sense has a memory of its own and so does the sense of touch and feeling. If it responds weakly to stimuli caused by e.g. touch, falling, collision, temperature and sharpness the memory will remain blank. That's why some people love extreme action to get strong enough sensations because it may be the only way of arousing feelings. At its worst, a tensed body may sense only high degrees of excitement, which can be found in e.g. violent films, aggressive games or competitions of different kinds. The almost "empty" memory of feelings often hinders emotional life in close personal relationships because it's difficult to feel e.g. empathy if you aren't able to feel them yourself. It's also difficult to find words for feelings that your body can't sense.

On the other hand, the oversensitive sense of touch and feeling can easily fill its memory with smaller or bigger sensations to the extreme. The mental stress caused by negative sensations can cause anxiety, fear and phobias of different kinds to the extent that it hinders life too much. When the stressed sense of touch and feeling responds too strongly to even minor stimuli you avoid  negative sensations to protect mental balance. People with too sensitive a sense of touch and feeling can be extremely stressed by other people's setbacks, sorrows, accidents, etc. They cause so strong feelings of empathy, excitement, fear, etc. that they avoid watching programs or films which may arouse these sensations. It's possible that in some parts of the body the sense of touch and feeling may respond worse than in others, which are less affected by the DSB

The following chapter Theme page 29. The DSB, the TSB and the control of outbursts of feeling