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6 How to test the DSB?

Because I find it necessary to treat all the semicircular canals of the sense of balance in both the inner ears, following a certain order it's no use testing the DSB before starting positional treatment. The successful results of the treatment can be seen in the improved function, wellbeing and health of a person when the other necessary measures have also been taken.

On the other hand, the need for treating the sense of balance can be seen in the deficits in the function, wellbeing or health of the body. See DSB symptoms. Treating minor, occasional symptoms can prevent from getting more serious ones. The (left – right) side of the DSB can be seen in some unilateral issues in the body, inwards or outwards twisted position of the feet or in the twisted position of the whole body when e.g. other shoulder may be lower, which indicates that there are tensed muscles and/or twisted joints on the same side of the body. Next there will be two older tests for the sense of balance

           A test for the horizontal canal

Doc Rahko's WRW (walk – rotate –walk) –test: first take a few steps of walk, then rotate supporting on one foot only and if possible go on walking backwards  without stopping.. Then the same series of movements is done with a rotation on the other foot. If either of the rotations fails with e.g. a slip, a swing of the arm or an uncertain, braking turn, you can tell which side, left or right side has the affected sense of balance.

Younger persons are generally asked to do this test with eyes closed, which makes it more sensitive because eyesight doesn't give any support to the movements in the test. Although the difference between the left and right sides seems tiny in a young person's test it may matter a lot because young persons also sense little disturbances in balance more sensitively than older people. That's why a seemingly minor issue may bother them more and demand more deliberate control of the body and muscles.

According to Doc Rahko the canal and side of positional vertigo is nearly always the same with the parents, children and siblings in a family. Different canals may have different amount of effect. This information gives a guide for treating small children.

           A test for the posterior canal

The Dix–Hallpike test: sit on the bed and lie down on your back with the neck extended 30 degrees down from the edge of a pillow. Turn your head to the left. Raise into a sitting position and do the same test turning your head to the right. If either of these tests causes vertigo or nystagmus they are treated with Epley's positional treatment, starting from the side with stronger symptoms.      

 A comprehensive "test" of the DSB

This "test" can reveal the existence of wrong or twisted positions in the body in a concrete way. As for the treatment of the sense of balance this test is irrelevant. You can do it as follows: sit down on a chair and without looking at your feet place them on the floor pointing straight forward. Keep your feet in the same position on the floor and stand up. Your brain may have a picture of your feet that tells you they are straight forward. Now, look at your feet and check what their real position is. It is likely that both or either of them is twisted in one way or another. Then, move your feet straight forward and check it by looking at them. Now your brain will tell you that the feet would be in a twisted position. This picture in the brain reveals how much the DSB has twisted the courses of the movements of the muscles and joints in your body and the posture of your body. The positional error in the feet may resemble the letter V, twisting them outwards, or the letter V upside down, turning the feet inwards. Both feet can also turn in the same direction. Both feet are seldom twisted in the same way. One of them may also be a bit farther on, which reveals a spiral-type of positional error in the body.

Error in the posture can feel and be seen elsewhere in the body: e.g. the rotation of the upper and lower body are different. The positional error of the upper body, arms and hands can make the other shoulder twist lower or forwards or the backs of the hands twist forwards or the head turns downwards or sideways, straining the neck.

The following chapter 7 What is positional treatment (PT) for the dysfunction of the sense of balance (the DSB)?