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Theme page 10. The DSB, the TSB and the well-being and health of a baby

The life of a baby is influenced by the mother's sense of balance and metabolism during the fetal period. Birth means an enormous change for the baby's body. During the first year he/she is growing faster than ever after it. Therefore, his/her sense of balance is under a constant strain. As for babies, the DSB can give symptoms of the same type as those of adults.

The following list can give you an idea of what kinds of issues may arise:

The control of muscles:

  • Awkward movements caused by twisted muscles
  • A special vigor of the baby
  • Delayed motor development / shy to move / keeps to the adult's lap
  • Avoids rolling onto the stomach: potential vertigo
  • Difficulty in going on all fours - prefers crawling
  • The cooperation of eyes and hands is difficult: e.g. grabbing an object
  • Muscles in the mouth and larynx and respiratory muscles: sucking/breast feeding is difficult; painfully strong sucking: devour or slow eating; difficulty in swallowing grainy food because of sensitive sense of feeling in the larynx; very little babble or other voice; delayed speech development
  • Facial muscles: delayed smile
  • Muscles in the eye: eye contact is delayed (difficulty in moving the eyes with the movements of the spectator's eyes)

Increased adrenaline -> disturbances in hormone secretion and metabolism

  • Problems with digestion, constipation
  • Sleepy; long intervals between meals
  • Weakened immunity – repeated illnesses
  • Drying effects:  on the skin (e.g. atopic eczema), in the eyes, on mucous membranes: an itchy nose, repeated bleeding nose; predisposition to inflammations

Increased adrenaline -> oversensitive perception -> the stress in the body and brain

  • Falling asleep or sleeping is disturbed by a tiny noise or the baby is frightened by a small noise because of hyper sensitive hearing and inaccurate hearing perception
  • Weepiness,  restlessness, dissatisfaction, short intervals between meals, colic

The following chapter Theme page 11.The DSB, the TSB and sleeping, insomnia and other sleep disorders